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Focus Atlas 8.7 Carbon

Focus Jarifa 6.7 (Hardtail)
Raymon Hardray 7.0

Focus Jam2 6.9
Husqvarna MC3

Focus Jam2 6.7
Raymon Trailray

Focus Jam2 6.8
Raymon Trailray

Focus Thron
Husqvarna MC5

Canyon (Hardtail)

Comencal 16"
Merida 20"

Merida 24"
Merida 24"

Merida 26" XS

Merida 27.5" XS
Superior 27.5" XS

Superior 29"
S - M - L
Superior (Hardtail) 29" XL

Focus (Hardtail) 29"
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Benützung der Velos auf eigene Gefahr. Unfallversicherung ist Sache des Mieters. Bike & Fun als Vermieter lehnt jede Haftung ab. Bei Beschädigung des Velos (inkl. auffälliger Kratzer am Rahmen), des Mietmaterials oder bei entstandenen Schäden an Personen, Tieren odf Sachen haftet der Mieter. Bei Diebstahl des Velos und für entwendete oder verlorene Mietgegenstände haftet der Mieter mit dem vollen Verkaufspreis. Das Velo muss bis spätestens 18:30 Uhr zurückgebracht werden, andernfalls wird ein weiterer Tag in Rechnung gestellt. Velo und Ausrüstung werden dem Mieter in ordentllchem Zustand und guter mechanischer Funktionstüchtigkeit übergeben. Im Falle einer Reifenpanne kann der Kunde diese unterwegs auf eigene Kosten selber reparieren, reparieren lassen oder das Velo zurück zu Bike & Fun bringen. Die Kosten werden dem Kunden in Rechnung gestellt. Bike & Fun bietet im Falle von Problemen Jeglicher Art keinen Abholservice an. Viel Spass und gute Fahrt!
Use of the bicycle is at your own risk. Accident insurance is the client's responsibility. Bike & Fun declines all liability. The client is liable for damage to the bicycle (very visible scratches on the bike included), to rental equipment and for any damage to others, animals or things. In case of loss or theft of the bicycle or of rental equipment the client has to pay its full price. The bicycle has to be returned by 6.30 p.m.. otherwise an extra rental day will be billed. Bicycles and equipment are checked by Bike & Fun before going out for rent and they are in good working conditions. If the bicycle has a flat tyre the client can fix it himself, go to another shop or come back to Bike & Fun. In any case the client will be charged for the costs. Bike & Fun does not come to pick up the client in case of any problem he will have. Have fun and enjoy your ride!
Bike & Fun declina ogni responsabilità in caso di danni al cliente, a terzi, animali e cose. Il cliente deve essere in possesso della sua assicurazione privata in caso di incidente o infortunio. Danni provocati alla bicicletta (compresi graffi molto evidenti a fini estetici) o altri oggetti a noleggio sono a carico del cliente. In caso di furto o smarrimento della bicicletta o altro materiale a noleggio il cliente ne è responsabile e dovrà ripagare il tutto a prezzo di listino. La bici va riconsegnata entro le ore 18.30, in caso contrario verrà addebitato un giorno extra di noleggio. N.B.: La bici e gli accessori vengono consegnati al cliente in perfette condizioni di funzionamento meccanico. In caso di foratura il cliente può provvedere alla riparazione o recarsi presso un altro negozio oppure ritornare da Bike & Fun. In ogni caso il cliente è tenuto a pagare i costi Bike & Fun non offre alcun servizio di recupero Buon divertimento e buon giro!